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March13, 2024: France European Elections June 9 2024: The List headed by Jordan Bardella (RN) will win, ahead of the one headed by Valérie Hoyer (Macronists)



March 2, 2004: US Presidential Elections:

Based on the National polls where Biden is 5% behind Trump and many State polls (Nevada, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Arizona, etc.) Sciencespoll™ predicts*:


Donald J, Trump will won the

2024 Presidential Election


* This prediction could be modified if extraordinary events happens. 



Poll/Predictions: 100 Days ahead  European Elections (March 1st ,2024)

RN Jordan Bardella 32%

Macronists  Valérie Hayer 17%

PS Raphaël Glucksman 9%

Reconquête Marion Maréchal 8%

Ecologistes Marie Toussaint 7%

LFI  Manon Aubry 7%

LR Xavier Bellamy Bellamy 6%

Debout la France 4%


Third Prediction & Poll: European Elections France 2024

RN Jordan Bardella 31.5% (+1.5)

Macronistes : 17% (-2)

Reconquête Marion Maréchal 9% (+1%)

LR Bellamy : 9.% (-1)

LFI 7% (=)

Ecologistes : 7% (=)

Debout la France 4% (-1)

PS 6% (+2)

PC Roussel 2% (-1)


October 10 2023

Second Prediction & Poll European Elections France 2024 

RN Jordan Bardella 30% (+2)

Macronistes : 19% (=)

LR Bellamy : 10% (-1)

Reconquête Marion Maréchal 8% (-1)

LFI 7% (=)

Ecologistes : 7% (-1)

Debout la France 5% (+1)

PS 4% (était catalogué PS + autres)

PC Roussel 3% (-1)



July 10, 2023. First Prediction European Elections 2024 - France












4th of July 2023. Predictions: Presidential Elections 2024

Trump and Biden Win their Primaries

(Based on Polls & Political Analysis)


2022 US Mid Term Elections 

(Poll & Analysis October 24 , 2022)

Senate: Republicans 52 (+2) Democrats 48 (-2)

House of Representatives: Republican 8 seats majority (+14) 



2022 Italian Elections (Camera dei Deputati)

(Poll & Analysis September 18 , 2022)

Right Alliance (Fratelli d'Italia + Lega + Forza Italia) 50%

Left Alliance (PD + IV) 26.5%

5* Stelle 8%

100% Right The only one.. 


2022 French Presidential Election

(Poll & Analysis April 8 , 2022)

First  Round:

1)  LEPEN 23,6%

2)  MACRON 23,5%


4)  ZEMMOUR 12%

5)  PECRESSE 9 %



2021 French Regional Election PACA (south)

(Poll & Analysis June 11, 2021)

First  Round:

1) T. Mariani (RN) 44%

2) R. Muselier (LREM)  31.5%

3) J.L. Felizia (socialist) 17%


Second Round:


Hypothesis 3 remaining candidates:

1) Mariani (RN) 46% Elected

2) Muselier(LREM) 33%

3) JL Felizia (Socialist) 21%


Hypothesis 2 remaining candidates

1) Mariani (RN) 52% Elected

2) Muselier(LREM) 48%



2022 French Presidential Elections

(Poll & Analysis May 20, 2021)

First  Round:

  1. M. LePen (RN) 29.5%

  2. E. Macron (LREM) 24%

  3. LR Candidate (right) 10%

  4. J.L. Mélencon (LFI) 9%

  5. ELLV (Jadot) 7%

  6. P.S. Hidalgo 6%

  7. N. Dupont Aignan (DLF) 5%

  8. A. Montebourg (ex PS) 4%

  9. Radical  Left Candidate 2%


Second Round:

  • Marine LePen (RN) ELECTED 51%

  • Emmanuel Macron (LREM) 49%



2022 French Presidential Elections

(Poll & analysis February 10, 2021)

First  Round:

  1. M. LePen (RN) 28%

  2. E. Macron (LREM) 21%

  3. X Bertrand (right) 13%

  4. J.L. Mélencon (LFI) 9%

  5. N. Dupont Aignan (DLF) 7%

  6. A. Hidalgo (PS) 7%

  7. A. Montebourg (ex PS) 4%

  8. Radical  Left Candidate 2%

2 1/2 Months later French polls have the same figures..


Second Round:

  • Marine LePen (RN) ELECTED 50.1%

  • Emmanuel Macron (LREM) 49.8%

(within the margin of error)



2020 French Municipal Elections


  • Hidalgo (PS) 44%

  • Dati (LR) 42%

  • Buzyn (LRM) 14%



  • Aliot (RN) 54%

  • Pujol (LR) 46%

100% Right (+/- 0,5%) !!! The Only One..


2019 European Elections (France)  May 24 2019 Projection based on published polls and trends.


  • RN (ex FN) 23%

  • LREM + MODEM + AGIR 21.5%

  • LR 9.5%

  • France Insoumise 8.5%

  • EELV 8%

  • Dupont-Aignant  5%

  • PS 4%

  • Pariotes 3%

  • Génération S. 2.5% 

  • PC 1.5%

  • all other lists (  Extreme Right, Extremee left, Lassalle,etc. ) equal or inferior to 1 %


​ .





ScienedesPollEurop. .png

2016 US Presidential Primaries
Jan  7 to 14 , 2016 Quotas methods
Republican (GOP):  Donald Trump will be nominated at the first round of the Republican convention.
100% Right
Democrats (DEM) : Hillary Clinton  will be nominated at the first round of the Democrat convention
 100% Right

DATED 12/04/2015

Predictions of the result of the first round of French Regional Election



  1. Front National 29%

  2. Union de la Droite 27%

  3. PS 23%




Alsace Champagne Ardennes Lorraine (ALCA)


  1. Front National 36%

  2. Union Droite 28%

  3. PS 17%


Aquitaine Limousin Poitou Charente


  1. Union de la Droite 31%

  2. FN 27%

  3. PS 27%


Auvergne Rhône-Alpes


  1. Union de la Droite 31%

  2. FN 30%

  3. PS 27%


Bourgogne Franche-Comté


  1. Front National 33%

  2. Union Droite 23%

  3. PS 17%




  1. PS 28%

  2. FN 24%

  3. Union de la Droite 24%


Centre Val de Loire


  1.  Front National 32%

  2.  Union Droite 28%

  3. PS 22%




  1. Union Droite 31%

  2. PS 23%

  3. Front National


Languedoc Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées


  1. Front National 35%

  2. PS 22%

  3. Union de la Droite 19%


Nord Pas de Calais Picardie


  1. Front National 41%

  2. Union de la Droite 20%

  3. PS  20%




  1. Front National 25%

  2. Droite Unie 22%

  3. PS 20%


Pays de Loire


  1. Union de la Droite  31%

  2. PS 27%

  3. Front National  25%




  1. Front National 42%

  2. Droite Unie 28%

  3. PS 17%




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