Free Tax Optimization Consulting
For Company incorporation or private Residency each case is different. Markets, Owner’s Nationality & situation, Family status, objectives, country image, cost of living etc. are determinant factors. Legal discussions with the client representative are also important
It is why we offer confidential Free deep Tax optimization Consultancy. If you are satisfied, we do the incorporation/residency. If not, too bad for us, but we certainly learned during our researches new knowlege.
Always avoid places countries that are or were in black or grey lists of EU -OECD Tax Haven. Avoid all places that are obviously perceived as dirty tax haven (like panama) should be avoided. Perception is as important as tax laws.
For American residents or companies that have an important US market: Avoid Delaware & Nevada (of course) and Countries associated with the US (Like Marshal Islands). Countries that did not sign the FATCA treaty are favored.
If you want total privacy, countries that are fare away from your initial place should be favored
Be innovative and accept places that are unknown real tax Havens.
Always tell us your real motive and compromise between quality of Life and Taxation.
Former Judge at the Paris Appeal Court
Graduates from French, US, and Swiss Law School
University Law Professors
Expatriates that lives with their families in low or 0 taxation countries
PS: We will only do consultancy for serious requests. We reserve the right not to do consultancy for any reason. Confidentiality is protected by the Swiss Privacy laws & Attorney/Client privilege.